A handy guide to designing kitchen backsplash with decorative tiles

A handy guide to designing kitchen backsplash with decorative tiles

Backsplashes are an essential part of kitchens adding colours to space. Kitchens are the places where people spend most of the time at home. Remodelling of the kitchen is complex, with lots of things to worry about. People use decorative tiles for kitchen to enhance the overall appearance. Further, a backsplash is the wall space between the countertop along with upper cabinets. This is the crucial space with the most chances of spills. If the marks are left overnight, they won’t go away quickly in the morning.

It’s important to choose durable kitchen backsplash tiles available in Sydneyto give it a gorgeous look. Also, many materials are available in the markets to change the entire look of the space. Choose the kitchen backsplash tiles based on the aesthetic looks and appeals.

Tips to consider before choosing tiles for backsplash

1. The colours to be chosen

The colour scheme is the first thing to decide when purchasing kitchen decorative tiles. The backsplash can be colourful or a neutral tone. The colourful tiles give an immediate effect to the kitchens. The neutral tones help in adding character to the kitchens. The colours and materials go hand in hand. Make the decision precisely.

2. Height of the backsplash

The height is something most homeowners ignore most of the time. Likewise, the backsplash needs to end depending on what the customers want. The upper cabinets also play a deciding factor. If it’s just a hint of tile to be used, put it near the lower cabinets. But if the tiles get extend, they can go up to the upper cabinet limits.

Putting a counter to ceiling tiling becomes the focal point of the kitchens. Select the right size and layout for the kitchen backsplash tiles in Sydney.

3. Patterns and shapes

The customers appreciate classic and fun patterns because of their timeless appeal. Besides, the standard tile size is 3 x 6 tile or the 4 x 4 straight set tiles. Field tiles create a transcendent look providing a sustainable design feature. Not just patterns, but shapes also provide an authentic look to the kitchens.

The shaped tiles work best with neutrals and colours, providing an entire impact. Make sure to choose tiles that fit perfectly with the kitchen.

4. Budget consideration

Budget is an important thing to consider for creating dream kitchens. When the budget is tight, it’s better to stick to the standard sizes. Hand-painted tiles do add glam to the kitchens. The hand-painted tiles in white are a budget-friendly way of adding an artistic touch to the kitchens.

The kitchen decorative tilesare made from scratch, adding a monochromatic look to the kitchens. These tiles behind the stoves become the distinctive feature in the kitchens.


Choosing tiles for backsplashis the perfect time to choose tiles that’s easy to clean after cooking. Also, it provides an opportunity to be creative. Spice up the kitchen with various kitchen tiles to make the kitchen stand out.

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